We Chat To The Creator Of The Most Drool-Worthy Food on Instagram

Taline Gabrielian hippy lane interview 3

Talk us through the inspiration behind Hippie Lane.

Growing up obsessed with nutella and milo (seriously) when I reached adulthood, I thought it was about time I grew up and get healthy. I got clean, ditched the processed packaged food, and felt great. I took it to the next level when I learnt I had sensitivities to everyday foods i.e. gluten, dairy, eggs, soy and refined sugar.

In order to give my digestion system a break and to allow my gut a chance to heal I needed to find alternatives to the problem foods. It was at this point that I became really serious about health food, nutrition and wellness. It felt limiting at the time, faced with a long list of no-no’s but once I got into experimenting with alternatives, I fell in love with the process.

Creatively, coming up with unique recipes that tasted amazing, and helping others by offering recipe inspiration and motivation – it was an addictive combination. 7 years on and I’m still as passionate now as I was then!

How do you create your recipes? What inspires you?

I love the creative process, making a mess in the kitchen and tasting the results. Inspiration comes through many different sources. When I first began with recipe development 6-7 years ago, I was inspired by tastes from my cultural background and childhood favourites. These days I’m heavenly inspired by nature. A trip away to a new place always ignites my creativity as does a walk along the beach or in nature and a meal at a cafe. Colours, sights and sounds all help in keeping me creative.

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