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how to improve your lifestyle

7 Ways You Can Improve Your Lifestyle Today

If you want to know how to improve your lifestyle as a woman, here are seven steps you can take right now. Try them today and start feeling like the version of yourself that you […]…

how to improve your english

Improve Your English With These 7 Word Games

It’s a lesser known fact that games can turn out to be super helpful if you want to learn something. You can improve your English without even realising it! Games aren’t meant for children only, […]…

can gossip be good for you

Can Gossip Be Good For You?

  BY: ALINA BERDICHEVSKY Why is it, that even the nicest women still get that twinkle in their eye at the prospect of a juicy morsel? Who Cindy went home with, why Michael didn’t get […]…

The Lazy Girl Guide To Achieving Your Goals

BY: ALINA BERDICHEVSKY You know the pattern. December you partied like a rockstar, January you swanned around poolside like an Insta-model and February you repent for your debauchery like a monk. No matter what your feast-or-famine […]…

10 Of The Best Books To Smash Your Goals

BY: VANESSA ROBERTS The New Year has begun and so too have the New Year’s Resolutions. To help you kick off 2017 right, the well-read people of Dymocks have put together a list of titles that […]…

mental health how to help someone with addiction

Mental Health: How to Help a Friend with Addiction

We’ve all heard about diseases such as alcoholism or drug addiction. However, fewer people are aware of alternative conditions caused by the same mechanisms of dependence, which may have nothing in common with the substances […]…

arianna huffington life lessons

10 Things Arianna Huffington Wished She Knew In Her Twenties

BY: VANESSA ROBERTS The hyper-charged, ultra-successful media mogul, author, and business visionary shares some insightful lessons she’s learned along the course of her long and varied career. Who is Arianna Huffington? Arianna Huffington is the founder and […]…