Wearing beautiful clothes and having stunning photos taken every day sounds like a dream job to most people. And if you’re a professional model, that dream could be your reality.
If you’ve ever wanted to become a model, you might be inspired by people such as Kendall Jenner who transformed herself from pretty girl to global supermodel in a few short years. But for most people, figuring out how to become a model is challenging. The industry is competitive, and it can be hard to get your foot in the door.
Below we have some tips on how to crack into the world of modelling.

#1 – Find Your Market
The first thing you need to do when considering how to break into modelling is to find your market. Thankfully, the industry is now a lot more diverse than it once was, so there’s going to be the perfect niche for you somewhere. Consider your look and style, paying attention to any unique features that set you apart from the pack, and pick a market that you can serve.
For example, if you’re voluptuous, you’ll want to look into industries that are hiring plus-size models. If you’re androgynous, then your appeal may lay with contemporary brands and high fashion. And if you’re the athletic, fit type, look at industries that fall into your personal area of interest.
#2- Take Headshots
Headshots are an essential for any model, whether you’re just starting out or already used to strutting yourself down the world’s biggest catwalks. Headshots give modelling agencies and employers an insight into your natural look. Ideally you should be wearing little or no makeup, the photos should be close-up, and the background should be plain and well-lit.
It’s a good idea to have your headshots taken by a professional fashion photographer who has worked with aspiring models before. They will be able to pose you and manage lighting in a way that will make you look your best. These pictures will be your business card of sorts, so while they’re not overly produced, they need to look professional.
#3 – Get an Agent
Once you have your headshots and your look/ target market decided, it’s time to reach out to modelling agencies. It’s best to approach agents who work in the area you’d like to model for. They will have the most relevant industry connections and these will help you to get booked.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the modelling industry, fraudulent “modelling agencies” are prevalent, and these people are just looking to take advantage of you. If an agent asks you for money before they connect you with a client, look for a different agency. Your agent should also never put you in a situation in which you feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
#4 – Hone Your Craft
Modelling is a competitive career, and it’s not unlike any other – you will be rewarded with higher pay and more frequent bookings if you have skills that photographers and casting directors are looking for. To that point, it’s definitely worth taking lessons if you need to and practising what you’ve learned as much as possible. If you’re smart about how to become a model, and apply yourself, you could find yourself working in your dream career in no time.
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