“Don’t wear white after Labour Day”, “Never mix your prints”, “Blue and green should never be seen without a colour inbetween”.
When it comes to fashion rules, it seems like we’ve heard all the style do’s and don’ts we should (supposedly) swear by. But in an industry that’s notorious for breaking every rule it makes, do any of these even apply any more?
We’ve set out to find once and for all if these so-called rules are worth their style weight or if they’re every bit as outdated and antiquated as Juicy Couture sweat-suits.
Mistake #1: Black + Navy = Yes!
Perhaps one of the oldest fashion myths in the book is the simple “don’t ever wear black and navy together”. But if recent runway trends and street style snaps are anything to go by, it’s time for this style myth to pack its unwelcome bags and leave. In fact, black and navy together can be a match made in moody-dark colour heaven.
Read on for a few super easy tips to keeping your midnight-hue outfit from being a fashion faux pas.

Tip # 1: To help differentiate between the two hues, try to work a different texture into the mix. Tuck your navy silk camisole into your favourite pair of black jeans or pants. Match your black leather skirt with a navy cotton tee. Throw on a navy wool coat over your favourite LBD. The result it sure to be texture and colour perfection.
nice outfit
look gorgeous…
Your Dress Design is very nice.