Exciting Changes Coming Soon To BWA….

Hi Everyone,

Some exciting developments are underway at Breakfast With Audrey that I’d love to let you all know about!…



I’ll cut to the chase: We are about to launch a brand new website – YES! (We are excited too!)

Why on earth are we launching a new website when this one is fine?

Well, truth be told, I love the existing platform – and I am going to be a little misty-eyed to see it go, but working with it from a technological perspective was kind of like poking yourself in the eye with the heel of a Louboutin. Daily. I’m not sure if you noticed (hopefully you didn’t) but we have had our points system go completely haywire, our server has been crashing, our pages load too slow, and we weren’t mobile-friendly either.  There are further annoying back-end issues too, but don’t worry I won’t bore you with those!

After several months of time and expense – tinkering around the edges to try and make these issues go away, it seemed that the only way to get the sort of website we need was to literally scrap it and start again. Which is what has now happened. (Well, currently happening.)

Be prepared: The new look BWA will be quite different. It’s going be MUCH more clean and fresh, no clutter, easier to navigate, and one of the best things of all: it will be MOBILE-FRIENDLY!!


A few important things are changing:


1. The ‘membership’ element of BWA will exist no longer:

I’m sure we’ll all agree that blogging has changed sooooooo much since our launch in 2010, and most of us have changed with it. Whilst BWA will always remain community-spirited, there will no longer be an “official BWA Membership” going forward. One extremely important benefit of this is that any person will be able to comment on our stories and enter our giveaways – not just members.

2. As such, the BWA Rewards Program will cease to operate:

For the last few months our rewards store technology has been badly broken, and to be honest with you, no amount of money or time was enough to resolve the problems we had with it. I have decided that this is the right time to bid farewell to that scheme as we enter a new modern phase for this website.

Further to the mounting technological issues faced with the rewards store, it has been increasingly difficult (ie almost impossible) to source products from brands, and the uptake from readers is extremely low. From a management perspective, there has been very little point in trying to maintain a store and wangle promotional products from brands that no-one is redeeming anyway.


SO – I encourage any BWA Members who have a points balance to redeem your points NOW as this facility will not be open to you from October onwards.

To redeem:

  1. Select the items you like from the store  – check they are “in stock”
  2. Please email us for manual processing at editorial@breakfastwithaudrey.com.au
  3. Please send payment for shipping ($8.25) via PayPal to : hello@glamadonnashop.com.au
  4. We will confirm your order and send ASAP.



We will continue to offer regular giveaways and competitions as our way of saying thanks! From October, these will be open to any person (not just members) and we’ll be using a special technology to randomise the winner selection process.


…………….And, everything else will more or less remain the same, so that’s about it guys! If you’ve read all the way to the bottom of this post – thank you!

Please feel free to comment below or contact me directly if you have any feedback or questions. I sincerely value your feedback and appreciate each and every reader who visits this website. It really means so much.


Please be sure to join us on social media and sign up to our weekly newsletter if you haven’t done so already, so you can keep abreast of all our stories, news and other tid bits as they eventuate.

Vanessa xx


  • Reply Mkett57 Sunday 20th September, 2015 at 9:00 pm

    Good luck with the changes – looking forward to seeing how it comes together

  • Reply BellaB Sunday 20th September, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    Yes, I’ve certainly noticed some of those problems.

  • Reply blueruby Thursday 17th September, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    great! cant wait to see the new website!!

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