i love the dress. Not the hair totally washes her out
ReplyragdollbabyFriday 30th March, 2012 at 7:59 pm
Hehe…I just went from red to blonde too 😉
ReplyflossyfewclothesFriday 30th March, 2012 at 8:14 pm
yep. I think the dress is a amazing design and colour..I’m also gradually changing from Brunette to blonde also..but, I think unlike Rhianna..I have very fair skin which is more in tune with a blonde head of hair..she would look so much better with caramel/copper tones, that would suit her pretty face so nicely 😎
Like the dress.
The hair isn’t good, but the dress is.
she needs to change hairstyle
Love the bottom half
Love the dress, but not the hair
so blonde. not sure about it.
hot to trot, at least she’s had the regrowth attended to!!
I live the lines and detail of the dress!
her face is pretty enough to pull off the hair colour even if it doesn’t suit her skin tone
I really think she looks fantastic in this photo.
classier than usual
I hate her hair. Hate it. The dress is pretty nice though.
This really suits Rihanna, the colour and style is great
i love the dress. Not the hair totally washes her out
Hehe…I just went from red to blonde too 😉
yep. I think the dress is a amazing design and colour..I’m also gradually changing from Brunette to blonde also..but, I think unlike Rhianna..I have very fair skin which is more in tune with a blonde head of hair..she would look so much better with caramel/copper tones, that would suit her pretty face so nicely 😎
Gotta agree on the hair, it just doesn’t do it for me, needs to be more caramel toned and a little less Charlie’s Angels.
yes the blonde doesn’t really work for her, but the dress is gorgeous.
love the colour and style of the dress..wow…hate her hair colour..she should NOT be blonde! 😯
She looks great but that’s not surprising.
Beautiful dress!
Beautiful! Not a fan of the hair but the dress is stunning!
Just Gorgeous!
The hair is overpowering this outfit.
very true
Can’t go wrong with Alexander Wang! Just love.