I have to be honest…I am not down with the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon. At first, I was judgmental, as I take my literature pretty seriously but after hearing both sides of the argument, I have taken a judgement-free approach to the apparent masochistic fantasies that are harbored inside many modern women.
Erotica aside, I am at the very least grateful for this debut ad from Marc New York a division of Andrew Marc. Conceived and photographed by Andrew Marc’s creative director Chris Gbur, the campaign is inspired by Fifty Shades of Grey and somehow features Celebrity Apprentice star Dayana Mendoza and Scottish rugby player Thom Evans in a way that is both high-fashion and extremely provocative.
The ads will run in September in several US glossies as well as online- although the clever use of inspiration is sure to have the images widely disseminated throughout the internet.
What are your thoughts on the new ad and the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon?
Image: http://www.andrewmarc.com//Â
This is my favorite topic I really like it. … motorcycle-jackets
Haven’t read the books… just not my thing. Don’t have a problem if others want to fantasise about it though.
I love the dress.. But the ad doesnt match anything I imagined in the book..
Love it! So Creative!
read some of it but didnt really like where it was heading
I haven’t read the book myself as it seems like all the negatives out-weight the positives, so the book doesn’t seem worth the read.
the ad looks good. and the male looks like how i imagine grey to be like.
nice book
I can not stand this whole 50 shades craze. This ad just seems depressingly bland.
I love that dress!!!!!!!!!!!!1
books awesome!
omg, get over the stupid book.
I havent read it but Ive heard its not well written.
got the books but havent read yet
This shot looks great, but the books don’t really interest me.
I havent read them…. but im not sure if I should… adds look quite okay though 🙂
So hot!
ugh how distasteful, but I’m sure lots of others are riding onto the bandwagon. I wonder if they realise they’re targeting the wrong people with this campaign
such a stunning dress she’s wearing!
I love the dress shes wearing!!!!!!!
The book aside, the ad is quite captivating!
my lovable gay nephew in England asked me
had I read 50 shades of grey no not yet.boy grtting lot of publicity.
Broad minded auntie might give it a try!
the ad howevere leves a lot to desire
Tom Evans torso looks great and that I admire
but his legs and arms did the airbrushing expire
take a look and you will see
his legs and arms look antiquated to me
yes please
Smoking hot
I haven’t read the book, but I love the pics
LOVE the pics
Haven’t read the book, don’t think I ever will
A friend threw the book in the bin ! Said it was rubbish so I don’t think I’ll be reading it.
Won’t get me reading it………
I’ve heard the book is an absolute snore, but great marketing ploy!
I’ve read the book (meh.) The ad however, looks fabulous! Liking her dress.
cute dresss
not a fan
Im reading the second book atm…..very educational reading 😉 Like the idea above though!
I’m reading the second book at the moment. As far as I’m concerned, anything that gives me inspiration is a great thing. A girl can fantasise….
i would love to read the book
oh backless!!
love the ad!
Not interested in reading 50 shades of grey, and im a total bookworm not a real fan of the ad either
Accidently debuted the unzipped at the back dress look myself in the hurry to make the train to work this week, fortunately had a jumper on underneath … but still ….
It looks horrible
I’ve started reading it, and I have to say it’s pretty good!..I think it’s a smart move to use the phenomenon to inspire the campaign;)
i havnt read book and dont plan to, but the pictures are nice
Love the pictures
Yes I’ve heard the book is poorly written which turns me off totally. The ad looks hot though.
No interest in the book but a sexy advert nonethelss, That towel is amazing 🙂
Cool ad…. Ridiculous book.
its a pretty hot topic atm .. have not read myself either,not sure i will
not really a fan
how intereswting
havnt read the book yet
pics look really hot ahah
Great ad but I think the book is overrated
nice ad!
I won’t be reading the book, sounds like Twilight for middle-aged mums! All the blurbs about it are enough to send the whole notion of women’s equality back into the 1950’s
not interested in the book
The book was awful but the ads look really good
cool shot
Sounds like men like it for it’s pornographic value. Not for me!
No interested in the book.. but love the picis 🙂
I haven’t read the book, but great ad
Same, I haven’t read them but the ads look great….
Nah, im not interested either!
Meh, I wont read it… from what I hear the writing style and grammar is appalling, I think it would put me off it!