Beauty How to: Grow Hair Faster

how to grow hair faster

Getting the luscious locks you so desire can sometimes seem like an impossibility. Whether it’s dryness or split ends you suffer, did you know that these things are most likely causing your hair growth to slow?

Growing your hair faster goes hand in hand with your hair’s health. Thankfully there are easy ways to get your hair to its healthiest state so that the long, beautiful hair you’ve always wanted comes firmly into grasp.

Read below for 10 easy tips that’ll improve your hair’s health and grow it faster!

1. Oily hair is a good thing

Indulge your hair once a week in a deep treatment that suits your hair type. Using a moisture-based mask or oils once a week keeps the oldest lengths of your hair looking and feeling like new.

There is no need to buy expensive hair treatments either, for this one the kitchen is your oyster, experiment with coconut oil, honey, almond, macadamia and jojoba oils.

2. You are what you eat

We all know that the things we consume have an effect on the way our bodies function. There are foods that you can add to your diet to feed your locks, and grow your hair long and healthy.

Aim for omega-3 fatty acids from salmon and other fish, dark leafy greens for a big vitamin hit, proteins for hair strength and foods high in iron, vitamin B and C, and zinc.

3. Scissors are your friend

We’ve all heard it before and no matter how wrong it feels, when growing your hair out the hairdresser is your friend.

Snipping off those ends with the help of Scissor Tech – hairdressing scissors rids your hair of any split ends leaving hair looking and feeling healthier but it also prevents split ends working their way up the hair strands. Split ends cause more damage overall and require a much more significant chop to get rid of. If you are cutting hair at home, avoid splitends by using authentic hair scissors from

how to grow hair faster

4. Ditch the cotton pillowcase

There are things you can do ‘round the clock to help grow hair faster and longer. It may sound a little luxurious but a silk or sateen pillowcase can really help you get the hair of your dreams.

Not only is silk much kinder to hair throughout the night as you toss and turn, but it also helps prevent those unwanted bedhead tangles in the morning.

5. Make the most of your products

Make sure you know your hair products and how to use them. That means shampooing roots, and conditioning mid-lengths and ends! Using products correctly will help grow strong and healthy hair.

how to grow hair faster

6. Skip the really hot showers

It’s bad news for those lovers of long steamy hot showers. Exposure to too much heat from any source will always weaken the hair causing breakage. …And you guessed it, this is not going to grow hair faster!

7. End your shower with a cold blast of water

This one should be a little easier to manage now that the temperature is rising: ending your shower routine with a quick blast of cold on your hair can greatly help the overall health of your hair.

Cold water lays down the outer layer of the hair more smoothly, ultimately resulting in hair with less tangles, less moisture loss and less heat damage.

8. Know your supplements

Although a healthy balanced diet is essential, sometimes our diet isn’t enough to help grow hair faster. You still may be lacking in the essential vitamins and minerals your hair needs to grow healthy and strong and stay that way.

Check out the various hair, skin and nails vitamins available (in particular Biotin and Vitamin C) and consider adding them to your daily hair routine.

9. Air dry, air dry, air dry

Scissors and silk = friends, hair dryers and straighteners = foe. If you want long healthy hair it’s time to loosen the grip on the straightener!

Heat styling is one of the most damaging things we can do to our hair so try to air dry your hair as much as possible, even if that means just on the weekends.

10. Limit time in the sun

This should just be a general rule of life but just like we protect our skin from the sun, we need to protect our hair. To much exposure to the sun will make hair dry and brittle – this will definitely not help us grow hair faster! (Not to mention the dreaded sunburnt scalp). Just wear a hat.




  • Reply Kelli Boucher Friday 19th May, 2017 at 8:34 pm

    I used few things from your list and that really works, today I here to appreciate you. Keep share your article with us.

  • Reply BellaB Monday 12th October, 2015 at 4:37 pm

    Honestly, it never feels like anything really works when you’re trying to grow hair. Especially if it’s after a bad cut.

    • Vanessa Roberts - Editor
      Reply Vanessa Roberts - Editor Wednesday 14th October, 2015 at 9:08 pm

      hahaha…. that is very painful! We should have included an extra point in the list “try to not focus on how fast/slow your hair is growing!”

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