Comparing Traditional Braces To Clear Aligners

braces versus invisalign
Once upon a time, a mouthful of metal was the only route to a straightened smile. However, as technology progresses, we are witnessing a silent revolution in dental aesthetics: the rise of clear aligners.

Traditional metal braces have been the cornerstone of orthodontics for decades, effectively aligning teeth and correcting bite issues. But these days, the alternative of almost-invisible plastic trays are rapidly becoming the preferred choice for many, for obvious reasons.

At the forefront of the clear aligners movement is Invisalign – a leading brand in invisible orthodontics. If you’re considering embarking on the journey of a perfect smile, keep reading to learn about the technological advances from traditional metal braces to clear aligners.

#1 – Traditional Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces are made of high-grade stainless steel and sometimes combined with nickel-titanium. They work by the use of brackets attached to each tooth which are connected by a thin archwire, which orthodontists tighten approximately every fortnight to shift teeth into the desired position. Their strong and sturdy nature makes them highly effective in correcting complex dental misalignments and bite issues.

Despite their usefulness, metal braces come with drawbacks. They are highly visible, which can cause self-consciousness for some people. Also, they tend to be painful due to the tightening required and the potential for wires and brackets to irritate the inside of the mouth. Eating certain food can also be an issue, as sticky or hard food can damage the braces or get stuck within them.

#2 – The Rise of Clear Aligners

The invention of clear aligners has meant there is now a more discreet and less invasive option for teeth straightening. Designed with aesthetics in mind, they consist of a series of custom-made, clear plastic trays that fit snugly over the teeth. The invisible teeth aligners are virtually undetectable when worn and offer an attractive solution for people of all ages.

Their popularity also comes from the added convenience they provide. Unlike metal braces, clear aligners are removable, which means there are no dietary restrictions, and maintaining oral hygiene is much simpler since you can brush and floss as usual. Although clear aligners are not suitable for every orthodontic case, they are continually evolving to treat a broader range of issues.

#3 – Clear Aligner Technology

At the heart of clear aligner systems like Invisalign is cutting-edge technology. The process begins with a digital scan of the patient’s mouth, creating a 3D model. From this model, orthodontists develop a precise, step-by-step treatment plan that maps out the movements of each tooth. This plan is then used to make a series of aligners, each slightly different from the last, to incrementally move teeth into the desired position.

Clear aligners are made from medical-grade thermoplastic polymers, which are both strong and clear, ensuring both durability and discretion. Moreover, advancements such as SmartTrack® material and SmartForce® features have improved the predictability and control of tooth movement with Invisalign aligners.

#4 – Invisalign in Wollongong

For people all around the world, from Warsaw to Wollongong, Invisalign has taken a firm hold, providing them with an accessible and effective alternative to metal braces. For those looking for  Invisalign in Wollongong specifically, you are in luck! Renowned for its robust healthcare system, the city boasts many great orthodontists and dental clinics who are ready to provide world class Invisalign treatment. Patients here can access the comfort and convenience of Invisalign treatment, supported by a highly personalised and professional service from local dental experts.

Invisalign treatments usually include an initial consultation, regular check-ups, and a series of aligners to be worn in succession. Many providers also offer flexible payment plans and flexibility of consultations around patient schedules.

#5 – How to Choose What’s Right for You

In deciding on the best orthodontic treatment, it’s important to weigh personal factors, including the severity of dental misalignment, lifestyle, comfort, and aesthetic preferences. Traditional metal braces may be the option for more complex dental issues that clear aligners can’t correct. On the other hand, for those who really value a discreet appearance and ease of use, clear aligners may be the right choice.

Consulting with a trusted orthodontist is crucial. These specialists will assess your dental needs, review treatment options, and tailor a plan suited to the your specific circumstances. Securing an appointment with a local provider is the first step towards gaining a bespoke assessment and exploring the possibilities of Invisalign.


The journey from metallic to invisible orthodontics is a significant leap forward in dental care. While traditional braces remain a potent tool for orthodontic correction, the discreet appeal and user-friendly nature of clear aligners like Invisalign have brought about a new age of teeth straightening options. The choice between traditional metal braces and clear aligners ultimately lies in the hands of the patient, guided by professional expertise. For those in Wollongong seeking to improve their smile with minimal impact on their daily lives, Invisalign offers a solid, near-invisible solution. 

MORE – Invisalign vs Byte: What’s The Difference?

MORE – Advantages Of Invisalign Treatment: An Alternative To Traditional Braces

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