Do you ever feel that your mani is cheating on you? That it’s always trying to make an early exit, at a time when you need it most? Don’t you just wish that your mani would last that little bit (or a lot) longer? Yes, you read that right: ‘mani’, not ‘man’ (get your minds out of the gutter – this is BWA after all, ladies!).
Whether you are your own manicurist, or you can afford the little luxury of forking out for a professional to polish your digits, here are a few helpful tips to get your mani looking great and lasting much longer…
1. If you get your nails done professionally, choose a lighter colour (ie. nudes and pinks), which won’t look as obvious when they grow out or chip. Also, if you do feel like a colour change, when your mani starts to grow out, simply apply a darker colour over the top (usually only one coat will do the trick). Your nails will still look almost pristine and recently manicured, and it’ll space out your salon visits, which could save you upto 50% on nail expenses…
2. For those girls who like a bit of DIY, ensure to invest in a quality products: base coat, nail strengthening treatments and the like, as well as a long lasting top coat… Don’t be scared to fork out a little extra for salon brand polishes they’ll last much longer. I’ve always had an obsession for OPI, because the brand name guarantees their products are superior.
3. Another DIY tip is to do what they do in the salon… (after all, they do it for a reason!). Clean, buff, file, clean, use a nail treatment (if necessary), apply a base coat followed by two coats of colour and finish with a top coat for both protection and lustre.
4. To harden your polish faster, dip the tips of your fingers in a bowl of ice water, until your nails are hard to the touch. This makes it less likely to smudge or dent your freshly polished fingers, and allows you to get on with your day sooner…
5. Finally, there’s nothing wrong with applying another layer of top coat every few days… Not only will this maintain the shiny finish of your mani, making your fingers look freshly painted for longer. This helps further protect your handy work from chipping, peeling and anything else that may happen to your fingernails, until your next manicure (which hopefully won’t be for a while!)
Images: ummwtfmel, welcome2mydream
I just bought some nail pens to do some nail art, can’t wait
what is newspaper prints?
Wow, I love that pink colour, very fun & flirty! 😉
thank you all for your comments and support! x
Hate being in a job where nail-polish is not permitted. Save these tips for the weekends.
shall try out tip 4 the nxt time i paint my nails:)
Great tips, and I do love having fantastic looking nails that are a little different.
I’m loving the nails in the first pic.
A well kept manicured hand can make a world of difference.
Great tips 🙂
i likey
I want the nails in picture number 1!
I love that gold nail polish- where is that from?
I like it
lovely colours and designs… thanks 🙂
Thanks for all of these fantastic tips! My favourite one has to be the ice water bowl one – I have to try it some time!
I need mine done up again
I love wearing darker colours on my nails but end up sticking to neutral pinks because the chipping is so obvious. Great tips here though!
Thanks for the great tips
great tips! I always have trouble getting my nails to look nice for more than a day after I do them! Hopefully this will help 🙂
Great article! I love the leopard print nails in the bottom pic!
Nice tips, my nails start chipping and looking shabby within 24 hours, will try re-applying a new layer, hehe, touch-up’s it is 🙂
I want nails like the ones in the pictures! 🙂
My nail colour chips within 48 hours- no matter what I do or use!
I love the ice water tip and I’m definatley going to try it out the next time I do my nails 🙂
Its good to get your nails done time to time!
thanks for all the useful tips on doing your own nails. I always get impatient and end up smudging mine before they are dry
oh Perfectio! I am so horrible at making my nails last even till the end of the day!
Thanks.. my nail polish always chips soo fast
Thanks for the good advice not matter how hard i try i always manage to chip a nail the first day their done.
Thanks for the tip for a quicker dry, I will try the ice water next time I do my nails!
great tips..definately going to use the ice water one
I cant wait til school holidays so i can restart painting my nails again~! We’re not allowed painted nails at school ):
My nails never seem to grow, I do not biormation..Thankste them. I will look into purchasing some quality nail products after reading this information.Thank You BWA
i dont have fingernails but after looking at this I’m going to stop biting my nails
finger-licking good
great tips!
I love doing my nails each week in something different, lately i’ve been trying crackle, marbling and newspaper prints – unforunately these can’t really be touched up though!