Regardless of whether you’re 30 or 50 years old, all of us want to prolong the inevitable effects of ageing for as long as possible forever.
While there’s not much we can do to stop time passing us by, there are several ways we can reduce the effects. It goes without saying that most people want to look good for their age, and we all know that a good diet, plenty of exercise and quitting smoking (or switching to e-liquid options) are fundamental. But let’s face it, we also want to see instant results!
The good news is that you can fake it till you make it, and still achieve a more youthful appearance without making any huge life changes – here’s how!
#1 – Upgrade your haircut and colour
Changing your hair is one of the simplest things you can do to take years off your looks in just a couple of hours.
While a full shock of silvery grey hair looks striking and amazing (we’re looking at you, Maye Musk), it’s the in-between phase where a few stray greys peep through your normal colour that ages you, pronto.
As women get older, many choose to go blonde to minimise the dramatic impact of a grey hair popping through, however, be careful to avoid awful brassy tones which can look even worse if the shade isn’t suited to your skin tone.
As a rule of thumb, to achieve a realistic level of blonde, the lightest shade to go for would be the natural colour your hair turns when it’s exposed to the sun.
In terms of cut, the style of your hair also has a huge impact on how you age. Keep in touch with current trends and ask the advice of a professional hairdresser on what would best suit you.
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