Kate Moss, fashion icon and Queen of the IT girls has once again decided to lend her style and fashion know how to Topshop. Moss collaborated on fourteen collections with the retailer between 2007 and 2010, all of which were massive hits and inspired by her personal style and enviable wardrobe.
While we’re not questioning why just memorising our credit card details Moss has stated she “missed being involved in the design process, and working with the team at TOPSHOP… Now more than ever with London being at the forefront of fashion…it feels like I’m back home working with TOPSHOP.”
Moss will be working alongside Topshop’s creative director Kate Phelan on the collection, which is due to be released worldwide April 2014. Finally, Australia’s will be in on the action instead of watching from the sidelines (or through computer screens).
Here are some of our favourite of Moss’ looks:
[…] Kate Moss X Topshop Take Two […]
Kate Moss looks great in a majority of the photos!
Love the black dress and the sandals
[…] Kate Moss In That Dress And Those Shoes […]
She’s looking a lot better these days!
How does Kate always look so gorgeous? *sigh
I don’t love every look, but when she looks good, she’s great.
always amazing