10 Outfits That Will Make You Look At Work Style Differently


Although it may be hard to tell, when office air-conditioning systems are mirroring that of refrigerators these days, but both summer and work days are most definitely back.

For most, those first couple of weeks have us feeling overly-confident. In fact pre-planning work outfits the night before has never come so naturally. Your wardrobe is restocked with all the latest boxing day bargains, you’ve not yet progressed to hitting snooze on your alarm – which usually compromises your time in front of the mirror and you’re pretty much feeling like this is the year of [insert your name].

But we all know that as the weeks drag on we start to become lazy and cherish those 9 extra minutes snooze just a little too much… that’s where we come in.

We’ve sourced 10 fresh, work-friendly looks for all the stylish boss ladies out there (thank us later for the extra beauty sleep!)…


#1 – Ain’t nobody denying you that proposal when you look like this.

So it might be hot outside but remember your office is freezing (however it did just get a little warmer fronting this number)… 

Pantsuits are the epitome of power dressing but be warned! Unfortunately they’ve been known to cause some confusion between the long corridor to your bosses office and the Victoria Secrets runway… remember to snap out of it before you pull your very own audience.

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