A stunning lady, Delta Goodrem is. However, something seems to be lacking about the dress. It’s as though it has/had potential but failed in the final outcome. Like I said though, Delta is gorgeous nevertheless.
ReplyragdollbabyMonday 16th April, 2012 at 12:12 pm
Beautiful – the dress and Delta
I know this is an old post but I haven’t been a member all that long. I think Delta looks lovely here.
She looks stunning in everything she wears!
I love it
Grecian goddess
Her hair looks great and the dress suits her personality!
I love deltas style.. looks great!
She looks so beautiful!
Not a delta Fan…But have to admit she is starting to look good these days
she always looks great
Delta Goodrem is pretty
Beautiful Grecian style gown, not too keen on the halter style + loose sleeves but it’s still lovely.
Nice, but nothing really special.
that hairrrrr
She looked damn gorgeous to me. She’s so lovely!
I really love this dress!
I think she looks gorgeous!
I LOVE her hair! But the dress is a little meh! Hey that rhymes 🙂
She looked beautiful at the Logies & so did everyone else that night
she looks nice but nothing that realy WOW
She has an amazing life that’s for sure!
Just perfect! She looks amazing…..
i agree
A stunning lady, Delta Goodrem is. However, something seems to be lacking about the dress. It’s as though it has/had potential but failed in the final outcome. Like I said though, Delta is gorgeous nevertheless.
Pretty, yet I would have preferred the dress without the fallen sleeves.
She looked beautiful
I like it, the fallen sleeves create a simple yet glamorous look.
Looks pretty ordinary to me
…ah…yep 😯