The Most Common Injuries a Physiotherapist Sees

common injuries physio sees

Physiotherapists see people with many different types of injuries, but there are some they see more often than others. Understanding the most common injuries and their causes can help you prevent them from happening to you!

Keep reading to learn the most common injuries a physio may treat and what treatment may entail, depending on the severity.

#1 – Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common types of injuries in general. It’s a very broad term, though, since there are so many different types of back pain. Disc herniation, spinal stenosis, and scoliosis are just some of the conditions that can lead to back pain.

Physiotherapists, such as the ones at Peak Motion Physiotherapy, treat back pain of all types, whether it’s acute or chronic. Fixing back pain is done using a combination of treatments, like exercise, manual therapy, and advice on posture, lifting, and ergonomics. In more serious or specialised cases of spinal injury, medical professional will refer you to a chiropractor such as Spinal Works chiropractors in Townsville instead.

most common injuries at physiotherapist

#2 – Knee Pain

Similar to back pain, there are many different types of knee injuries that can occur, with varying degrees of severity. Knee injuries are often caused by sports and other activities where you are running or jumping. Truth be told, poor technique, too much impact, or having a leg length discrepancy are the main triggers.

A physiotherapist may treat knee injuries with a knee brace or crutches, but many injuries, especially in the context of sports, benefit from the expertise of sports physiotherapy services to help with rehabilitation and recovery without the need for surgery. As knee injuries can be very serious, it’s important to see a doctor as soon as you notice symptoms.

Sometimes, knee pain can be caused by a sprain, after which you can expect to be out of action for a few weeks. If the pain is more severe, it might be a sign of a more serious issue. A tear or break in a ligament can cause a lot of pain and swelling, so it’s important to see a doctor as soon as possible.

#3 – Shoulder Pain

Shoulder injuries are very common in sports. The causes are usually due to a fall, a collision, or when a player is forced to land on their outstretched arm.

Shoulder injuries are broken down into two types: Traumatic and overuse. Traumatic injuries are caused by a one-time event, like a fall, car accident, or sports injury, while overuse injuries tend to be caused by repetitive motions.

There are a number of symptoms to look out for if you think you may have a shoulder injury, such as swelling, weakness, and pain. Shoulder injuries can be very serious and may require surgery, so as we mentioned earlier, it’s wise to see a doctor as soon as possible if you think you have a serious injury. Using an aircast shoulder cryo cuff might even be required for post-surgery recovery.

#4 – Rotator Cuff Tear

A rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that connect your upper arm bone to your shoulder. If a tear in any of these muscles is minor, a physio might recommend rest. In addition, they may offer various physiotherapy solutions to aid in the healing process, such as targeted exercises, massage therapy, and other rehabilitation techniques to ensure a full recovery.

Rotator cuff tears are very common among athletes. It is often caused by repetitive movements, such as throwing a ball, batting a ball, or lifting weights. A tear can also be caused by an impact, like falling over.

Rotator cuff tears are painful and can lead to a loss of strength and range of motion in the shoulder. There are a few symptoms to look out for, such as pain, weakness, and decreased mobility. Most rotator cuff tears can be treated with surgery, physical therapy, or both.

#5 – Hamstring Strains

The muscles in the back of your leg are called the hamstrings, and they connect your knee to your hip. Hamstring strains are very common among athletes and can happen during sports, exercise, and even daily life.

Hamstring strains are often caused by a sudden change in direction, speed, or effort, or due to training errors. Hamstring strains can be the result of a sudden overstretching of the muscle or a tear of the muscle fibres.

Most injuries are minor, but a few require surgery. Hamstring strains are treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE). But if the injury is more severe, like a grade II or grade III hamstring strain, it may take a long time to heal.

#6 – Achilles Tendinitis

The Achilles tendon connects your calf muscle and heel bone. Achilles tendonitis occurs when this tendon becomes inflamed and painful. Athletes and physically active people are more likely to develop this condition. But older people can also experience Achilles tendonitis, especially if they increase their level of physical activity.

There are a number of factors that can increase your risk of developing Achilles tendonitis, including having poor foot structure, bad athletic shoes, a high level of activity, and increasing the intensity too quickly. There are a few symptoms of Achilles tendonitis, such as pain in the lower leg and heel, difficulty walking, swelling, and reduced range of motion.

We hope this guide has been helpful in educating you about the most common injuries a physio sees, so you can take action to try and prevent them from occurring! If all else fails, and you are experiencing pain, be sure to see your doctor or physio as quickly as possible.

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