Le Tan launches brand new instant tan!
This is THE new tanning product to stock up on! Le Tan Instant Wash Off is only $14.99 and is an instant self tan that ONLY washes off in warm water, with soap and a good scrub. Plus it dries in just 60 seconds! Stay tuned for a review. [LeTan]
Hada Labo Tokyo is the next big thing
Like most beauty products, the innovation right now is coming straight from Asia, where good skin and impeccable beauty regimes are gospel. Enter Hada Labo whose ingenious formula called Super Hyaluronic Acid, is a proprietary comination of hyaluronic acid which is designed to provide both immediate and long term effects. One Hada Labo product is soldevery [Refinery29]
Toni Garrn For Nars
Toni Garrn fronts the fall campaign for NARS Cosmetics, looking lush in the Eye Paint line as well as featuring the collection of signature eyeshadows. We love. [FashionGoneRogue]
The Blow Dry Bible
Renowned hairstylist Kevin Murphy dishes the dirt to Vogue.com.au on how to get picture perfect hair at home. [Vogue.com.au]
The perfect red lip
Stylebistro has all the tips to getting that PERFECT red lip. [StyleBistro]
Alexa Chung launches a makeup line
Alexa Chung, thanks to a little hangover, is launching a new line and is the face of beauty company Eyeko. [Fashionista]
I am ordering LeTan Yay
Safe way to have a tan .. like it!
Liking the sounds of that new Le Tan product!