With puberty, some kids get off lightly with not even a trace of acne, but for the majority, this just isn’t the case. Keep reading for some important things you can teach your tweens about looking after their skin correctly.
When kids turn into teenagers, they may experience some acne on their face, neck, chest, or back. This can affect their confidence and trigger insecurities that extend into later life. While teaching your tweens to look after their skin with a good routine won’t guarantee they’ll be blemish free, it can’t do any harm either!
Skincare tips for tweens
Children start hitting puberty anywhere from 9 years old to 14. There’s no exact date to say when it’ll happen, but there are signs. When the day comes that you start to notice that your sweet little child is changing, this is when it becomes important to teach them good skin hygiene. Here are some tips that will go a long way in helping your tween build good skincare habits.
But first, why is skincare so important?
There are three main reasons why skin care is important. Firstly, it benefits your overall health. Think about it: your skin is the layer that protects your internal body parts. Healthier skin means that the barrier protecting your internals is stronger. When you neglect your skin, it could dry, crack, become irritated and more prone to infections.
A good skincare routine is also preventative. It prevents the issues discussed above, like wrinkles developing from age, dry skin, cracks and other skin issues that can develop if you neglect your skin. This is why skincare is so important.
#1 – Keep it simple
Chances are that you’ll have to work your child through a decent skincare routine for the first time. From there, they’ll start doing it themselves. So, when you teach your child how to look after their skin, keep it simple. You don’t need to give them a 10-step beauty routine to do twice a day. The only tween skincare products they’ll really need are ones that cleanse gently, provide hydration and protect their skin from irritation and the environment.
Get them a gentle face wash and encourage them to use it twice a day, a mineral sunscreen to apply during the day and a lightweight moisturiser to use in the evenings. If any other skin issues come up, you can address them as they develop. The goal is to get your child into the habit of constantly washing their face.
#2 – Look for products that won’t block pores
When your kids hit puberty, their bodies start producing hormones, like androgens, estrogens and progesterone, in hyperdrive. This can often lead to an increased level of sebum being released into the skin. Try to avoid buying products that are oil-based, you’ll just be adding fuel to the fire if they use them. Rather, get lightweight, gentle, and non-comedogenic products that won’t clog pores or add to the oil levels on their face; instead, they will help balance them out.
#3 – Always wear a mineral sunscreen
This should be a life-long practice, but it becomes more effective the younger you start. Encourage your tweens to wear sunscreen every day. They don’t have to go to the shop and purchase sunscreen exactly. Nowadays, many moisturisers incorporate sunscreen into their formulas. Sunscreen doesn’t just protect them from getting burnt, but the UV rays can also irritate their skin and cause breakouts.
#4 – Address acne sooner
Not everyone experiences bad acne when they go through puberty. But for those who do, addressing it earlier is essential. Acne breakouts have different causes. It could be bacteria, clogged pores, too much oil, or inflammation. Whatever it is, treating the issue with acne medication alongside a good skincare routine is the best way to combat it.
#5 – Never sleep with makeup on
If your tween has hit the stage where they’re starting to experiment with makeup, make sure that they get into the habit of taking it off before they go to sleep. Sleeping with makeup on just clogs their pore and, you guessed it, can lead to breakouts.
#6 – Wash your pillowcases often
When we sleep, the dirt and oil that build up on our faces during the night sit on our pillowcases. Night after night, you sleep on the same pillow, the oil builds up and could eventually cause more breakouts. So, wash your pillows and sheets regularly. If you want to take an extra step to protect your tween’s skin, you could even get them a satin pillowcase to sleep with.
#7 – Don’t pick at acne
Tweens often pick at their face when it itches or irritates them; this will only increase if they get acne. Encourage them to avoid doing this, because popping pimples or scratching at them can further irritate the skin and cause a worse breakout to develop. Likewise, popping the pimples can also cause scarring, which might not go away.
Final Thoughts
When a good skincare routine becomes a habit, it’ll be much easier for your tween to keep it going independently. But, until then, you may need to assist them in remembering to wash their face in the morning and night until they develop the habit. Doing this might not stop them from developing acne, but it should keep their skin looking healthier and reduce the chances of a severe breakout.
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