15 Lace Outfits That Look Classy & Sophisticated

How to wear lace in winter feature
Once reserved strictly for formal wear and underwear, lace is currently enjoying its big moment in the sun.

With more designers than we can count showing stunning lace looks on the runway (think Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Dior and Chanel), lace is Fall/Winter’s must-have fabric.

For all its feminine charm, lace can be a tricky little minx to master when it comes to day-time attire: no-one wants to look like a Grandma and no-one wants to look like they’re heading to the MET Gala when in fact they’re just going to grab a morning coffee.

The key to adding lace to your outfit, is to treat it just like you do Nutella: You want a few spoonfuls but not the whole jar. To avoid overkill, lace pieces shouldn’t be your whole head-to-toe outfit.

Pair a whimsical lace blouse with your favourite ripped jeans. Add a chunky leather jacket to a soft, lace midi dress. Wear leopard booties and an embellished clutch to add texture and edge to a lace-y mini. Match your culottes with a sheer lace bodysuit, kitten heels and a killer attitude. The contrast of soft and girly against tough and edgy is what makes these outfits so visually appealing.

If you need convincing that lace is worth wearing this winter, browse our gallery for inspiration!

How to wear lace in winter street style inspiration
how to wear lace in winter
how to wear lace in winter street style inspiration
how to wear lace in winter
how to wear lace in winter

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